

autumn leaves 🍂
Autumn leaves!!
Only red, yellow and brown
Falling down, down and down,
Is it broken??
Or dead inside?
The leaves which are dancing,
In the whole world wide....

Flaking-shaking , skittery-flittery,
The thursty scenery,with dropless mystery,
Is it really happy??
Or wearing a fake smile?
I am very curious
to know about it's confusing style...

Moving with winds,in its own rhythm
Some falling to ground,some flying in autumn,
Is it changing it's way??
Or trying to travel the whole sky?
What if !! Is it broken,
When it's confidence is too high....

Yupps!! It is perfectly free
from its pretty and lovely tree,
Playing with beautiful butterflies..
Can be termed as nature's pride!!
Fighting with it's own situations,
Shows its strengthly from inside....

Auspicious sign of autumn leaves,
are the sign of self love and beliefs
Every life has ups and downs..
But time also change it's way,
Like the seasons,like the situations,
Like the autumn,who flew away.....!!

From the golden leaves of autumn,
Promise to flow in your own rhythm
Don't let your failure splash your spirit..,
Be in present.. don't think what's gone!!
as leaves dance alone in the breeze..
You also alone.....!! Carry on...!!!

✍🏻Soumya Tiwari
© soumya.tiwari