

Peace!!! Peace!! Peace!
we hear the bells of peace ringing each and everyday,
In the homes, schools, churches, social centers and the nation as a whole.

what is peace?
Truly, it comes from the inner mind.
But few do not know about it.

Peace, is that Harmony in the absence of hostility and violence.
Peace, is that ideal state of total freedom and utmost happiness.
Peace, is that which makes us loose interest in conflict.

But not until we end hatred, division, jealousy, greed and envy,
We can never walk on the Path of peace.
Not until we love ourselves and neighbours unconditionally,
We can never walk on the Path of peace.
Not until we become grateful, for every single thing that come our way,
We can never walk on the Path of Peace.
Not until we cultivate the best mood boosters, Smile and Laughter,
We can never walk on the Path of Peace.
Not until we stop blaming others for the misfortunes that come our way,
And finding healthy ways of tackling issues and situations,
We can never walk on the Path of Peace.

Let's take control over our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Let's make peace a part of our goal,
And together as;
One People,
One Family and
One Nation,
We shall enjoy inner peace and walk on the PATH OF PEACE.