

within us

We are born to have the inner us
The kind of beautiful love we have
Within us comes determination
Within us comes self motivations to hurdle over fears
Within me I lose myself
Within you I found uncomprehending love
Within me is the strong will to love
Within you I find something to smile for
Within me is a sensation that we are the word
Within you, I find that world
Within me is a picture of sheer smiles from you
Within me is the will to love
Within you is that love
Within me a spring of happiness
Within you is the source
Within me is a strong will to live
Within you is the main reason
Within your beautiful face is a picture of those smiles
Within me is the love I offer
Within you is the love I receive
Within me it got much plenty
Within you is something to neutralise all my emotions
But within us is a strong love we share within ourselves