

Trusted you,
Let you in,
Given you time,
Never felt like that before,
Confusion filled my mind and messed with my soul,
Was hit by an unexplainable un-identifiable force,
Only to identify the enemy,
Never believed nor wanted,
Kept being in my company,
While I fell deeper,
Felt the hurt over and over,
Why did I let you deceived me,
Why did I let that force sneak up on me,
Became torn between leaving and staying,
Was in a mess,
Fury filled my heart,
I had been deceived by the false smile you gave me.
The false hugs, the comfort all were illusions for your benefit,
Ooh "Love" you can be a comfort and the greatest hurt anyone could go through at the same time.
Had I known what I know now I would have run away as far as I could.
Pity me.