

Indian crisis
Inspired to write this poem seeing what's happening in our country right now due to second wave. Stay safe.

The sound of cries rips through the night,
Among the dead lies the fear of living.
All we hear is plight of million helpless breaths.
What suddenly happen to our country of giving?

Panic sweeps through the streets,
As the sick runs for their threaded life.
There is no tomorrow or a chance of fight.
Limerick speeches are for the poors,
Who won't yet feel the strobing lights.

Where do we go wrong?
Or where do we go from here?
But to no place as once we called home.
Heathen is the voice rallying through the days;
There is no place for us to say our final grace.

Away with your promises,
Rotten deluges of empty lies,
You don't see what I see,
Wrapped in plastic:
another one lost and who's next?
Douched in blood, safe in sheets;
No, you won't say your goodbyes
Because this is the only end you'll see.