

The Bible teaches us, God put heaven in ever man's heart.

And the devil is always striving, from Him, to tear us a part.

Many of us have come to the Lord, and for whatever reason, strayed.

Usually it's for mistakes we have made, and we judged ourselves unworthy and we ranaway.

Then from time to time when we're in darkness, the faith of God well up in us.

And for a moment hope is rekindled, asked we feel His righteousness.by he

Alas before repentance take control, Those deceptive thoughts start creeping, And before we know it, we're submerged again in sin.

But friend I'm here to tell you, it's never too late.

Unless you're six feet under, Then there is time to change your fate.

However, don't think it's going to be easy, Remember some wounds take longer to heal.

The Father will run to meet you and His grace washing over your soul will feel.

So take heart wayward Christian child, And let the blood of Jesus lift that weight.

Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, And He will make your crooked paths straight.

Don't let one soul judge you, After all, it's not their place.

Because in the end of days my friend, God is the only One you will have to face.

Finally remember the Lord is patient waiting, And this poem He put in my heart may be for you.

Rise up and pit the devil in his place, And let God apply the balm of Gilead to your wounds.

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