

All I ever wanted,
was to love,
and to be loved in return,
yet my wish was never granted.

When I said yes,
I found a home within thine heart,
as thou in mine,
And never noticed your house was already full.

I spent most of my days alone,
in an empty house,
that we were supposed to create memories,
starring at walls stained with drops of my blood.

Eery tear that I shed,
that needed the softness of your lips,
instead of a serviette you threw on me,
to "clean myself up as I'm getting on your nerves"
taught me hate, I learned to hate you.

Every hug I longed for,
that you threw a pillow,
instead of your chest,
As though it can give me the same kind of warmth,
still channeled me to hate, I hated you.

My lips ached for your kiss,
My body yearned for a touch,
My well longed to flow again,
Only by the strike of your rod,
So were my two mountains,
the sacred place where our feelings were revived,
Yet you denied the revival.

I never asked you much,
not even a tiny love you failed to reciprocate,
I was willing to take just a touch and go,
with no feelings attached,
to take away the emptiness deep inside,
And offer me a chance to feel alive once again,
You denied me that still.

You left me unattended,
Sitting on that cold corner,
that used to ignite the fire within us,
as you handed me this letter,
and closed the door behind you,
and it read "Each journey meet the end, ours too"

I blinked twice and held my breath,
And I lost myself in the process,
While being treated as an option.

No, I was not stupid,
I was just blinded by love,
because love is blind after all.

© HOPE.N❤️