

Teenage Girl
In this world where everyone wants to be seen, talk and do things, I want to be heard.
I do not want to be followed or famous, rich and powerful nor seek for the attention that fame gets you,
I just want to be heard.

In the society that we live in today,
Where many people stand,
My voice may be quiet,
Nobody may hear it but I want to be understood,
I want people to hear my voice and I want people to hear my opinions.

Sometimes I may speak and throw my opinions at you,
Not because I’m arguing but because I feel like my voice matters,
My voice wants to be heard and understood.
Sometimes I wish for people to not hear me incase my opinions are ignored and invalid.

I still long to be heard by the people who live in this society today,
I long to be heard by everyone who turns on their televisions and watches me give my speech,
See me giving my opinions,
But I am just a teenage girl who longs to be heard,
I am just a teenage girl who will never give my opinions to the world.