

If you find yourself fighting, or shying away from people who tell you anything that hurts your feelings or your ego all the time, watch it! You might just be a narcissist, If you surround yourself with only people who always tell you what you want to hear then you should tread carefully, the person in your circle of friends who always tells you things that make you go in within yourself to reflect on some actions you have taken either in the past, present or about to take, then be rest assured that you need to change the circle of people you surround yourself with.

A of people can worship you as long they keep getting what they want from you, it does not make them stupid to see your flaws, they see it clearly but they can not point it out to you because of fear of losing favors from you, instead, they urge you on and sing your praises while they secretly pray and wish for your downfall.

People who risk telling you the truth at the expense of losing favors from you are the only people who mean well to you and any other person who does contrary things to that is a parasite/vulture. People who love you will do anything within their power to alert you when they see you going down a destructive path and they go against all odds and even risk offending you for you to know the truth, It is better than watching you make life mistakes and laugh behind you then later come to sing your praises in front of you just to get a dose of what they can from you.

They are like junkies looking for a quick fix from whomever/ wherever they can get it to stay high, they are like prostitutes, she has no feelings/ affection for you but she will always service you as long as you have the money, she will love you till when she drains you. If you are being told something, especially from someone close to you, instead of shouting down the person and fighting or trying to point out the person's flaws too, be civil, calm down, think of what the person just said, ask the person why the person said that, think very well if there is any ulterior motive to what the person said, finally, think carefully if there is any iota of truth in all that has been said to you before you draw your conclusion. If you always shut down any sign of discomfort in your body, you will never change, and if you don't change, you will never learn or grow.

Be wise, be calm, be peaceful, and build a character that uses logic and rationality rather than instincts and self-defense even when what is coming towards you is to protect you, not against you, or you might end up losing the only chance you get at making things right your lifetime.

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