

The Voice of the Wose
"Breath deep" said the voice in my head
and when he spoke I heard the war stifle
a muffling quiet as the battle came to an end
"Feel the wind cross the pains
and know no matter the struggle,
my love for you will always remain
"You have a home here,
safe in the canopy of trees
You are guarded and known
welcomed with every crack in your bones"

It did not matter that I was lost
this world healed my spirit despite the loss
I could lay here with no cost
Among the running rivers, I was home,
free to listen to the wind in the leaves,
and the waves flowing slowly over stone
Barefoot to the ground, nothing caged me now
so I ran, beckoned by the forest's sound
Just a pebble, a fleck, a small seed in the air
surrounded by life, balanced and fair

Down a path unknown to mankind
with a soft 'thump thump' of footsteps certain
as he spoke and lead me deeper to find
The old moss field, ancient and untouched
sacred in naked beauty he laid
forever timeless and uncorrupt
Moving as one with the air and the Earth
he was free and sprightful in nature's hearth
No mind could control him, no matter what they thought
the Wose was wild and never distraught

"Breath deeply" he said
And I felt peace bloom within me
"You are welcome in my refuge,
Your soul is one I would never refuse
No matter the pain your heart may carry
You will find strength that no other may parry
Fight your wars with my name on your lips
And you will find purpose so pure your footing never slips"

"Here is your home, in the lands of full life
When you lay down your head, I will carry your strife
As you venture to defeat the devil's song
I will ride with you through the dark and beyond
There is no choice you could make to disappoint me
Nor an action you could take to disgrace me
You have my trust and I will hold your safety
As I whisper in the winds to guide you back safely"

(the Wose is an entity representing all of nature)
© LiaRay