it is not enough even when you say' enough is enough like a prayer with our Amen &hallelujah
isn't enough this punishment, messages, lessons,alerting like a ambulances, a tax driver Hooters,this advertising, marketing,knowledge,Wisdom,understanding 'that you must stop speeding up at road like da speedstar of Speedos because he is a superstars even all-star is competing like levels labels phakathi inside with a alcohol of da summer body moves are on action like drunken master ' can't not see a killing ,rap,bullying,bulking, abused,crime,povery,racism,gender inequality etc...this is hell no because you can't see them as human beings,you can't see them as beattyfully treasure not to put like a islands but they must own this territory like a kingdom ' have you head about them wow lovely like a golden voice they're vocalists OMG on the radio station wow it sound sow,sexy,fantastic,fabulous flames, flexible...