

Grant me immunity
Please let me let go and take nothing with me,
all the hearts i carved out to love
let them beat,
The world has consumed my smile
I hope it sits wrong in their stomach.
sharp octave in my voice from growling through the pain, let me sing it out.
I turned up too early to adulthood,
with my childishness in a balloon taped around my fingers and I’m asked to let go
but God I want nothing but immunity
that I’ll not be like the elders.
The earth has been stripped naked,
They are cutting her apart in Gaza
they are digging her open in Congo
I want to grow up but I do not want to have blood on my hands.
Grant me amnesty
that when I release the balloon of my childhood,
I’d earn a muffin or a cup of hot chocolate instead of gun or body bag.
Grant me amnesty,
Let me grow guiltless
with no whips of children’s tears or taste of greed on my tongue.
I do not want to wage wars, ruin ancient holy grounds or see the nakedness of the earth!
Let me be the adult who sits by the ocean preaching of love and sunsets and blue jazz, pouring libations to the sky, smoking peace signs and consoling the trees,
Grant me immunity
i do not want to become the Devil to exorcise demons!

© Hope