

The transition
At the dawn of the day
The suckler is brought
Holding on to the strength of the major
With no remorse or thought

It dances at the sight of light
Demanding the attention of the world
Rejoicing in the thought of forever
Not minding what's lock behind the dawn

Then at the death of the sun
The transverse is changed
It clutch at the call of it's strength
Fallen at the course of hope

At the dungeon of life
Resides it's pain and luxury
It tills the tide of hope
Worried by load of anxiety

Soon at the cover of the clouds
It's strength is lost
Opening the book of it's past
Done by the sweat of it's past

It dances at the breeze of the night
Hiding in shadows of it's pay
It's hope are either lost or burned
By the works of his path

Then at the close of the day
The course has end
Buried under the soils of darkness
Then the book are closed
© ink_legend🌹🌹🌹