

Perfectly Patheticxoxo
wise up friends said .
I am only worth something in his bed .
he says things that he does not mean ,
actions I have seen .
not care about me .
I want him to love me so bad ,
he always makes me sad .
why don't he care it's not fair .
I would do anything for this man .
he don't feel the same .
look at me I am pathetic an lame .
I seem never to be good enough no matter how hard I try . I am only living a lie.
he will never feel love for me . that I can see . so plz if that is how it will always be . don't u see . I need you so much . I want you to see me feel me .
through eyes full of pain
I don't understand do u like to hurt me an make me cry. they all know I am living a lie . an make fun behind my back . they know I am pathetic an always come back .
© Tonya Michelle Miller