

They don't know
It'll be all fine is what they say
But nothing do they know you see
All they know was we were in love
And that one day it was all over and you left me

It's been a year by now,
And I'm still the same you see,
Looking through the broken window glass,
Thinking of all our old memories

They don't know of our secret hiding place
Nor do they know the jokes we shared
All they know was we were in love
And that one day it was all over and you left me

They don't know we talked of going Paris someday
Nor do they know we dreamt of a future so beautiful
All they know was we were in love
And that one day it was all over and you left me

They don't know how I loved wearing your hoodie
Or how fun it would get when we went in the shower
They don't know how you loved licking the icecream on my lips
And then kiss me for endless hours

They don't know all the flaws you had, and yet looked so imperfectly perfect
Nor they know how beautiful you made me feel about myself, even if I knew I looked so messy
You taught me to love me, you taught me to love life
But all they know was we were in love
And that one day it was all over and you left me....

-Jennifer Jennings

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