

【Night is ironical now... 】
Do you know what is pain,
or have you ever experienced it?
Do you know the depth of pain,
or have you ever tried to measure it?
You know,
the worst part of it's is the volume,
and the very worst part is getting torn up and vandalized.
Every time when you try to swim,
in the deep ocean made up of component pain.
You feel heavy,
and find out you're tied up with a huge stone.
You drown,
and never reach the surface of your,
‛Good times'.
And all this takes place at night.
some nights are silent,
than the other ones.
While, some days are joyful,
than the other funs.
who made the nights silent,
and the days really valliant?
Putting up a question,
Why night is always venement?
Why the dark is dismal?
Why the black brings ordeals?
Has it too lost something or someone,
or its just a trait or curse played on it?
They say night comes with,
peace and harmony.
Is it right or do I find it ironical???

#Writco #philosophy #relationship #nightpoem #writers