

He says the nicest words to my soul
A Perfect lover
Everything i would like to hear from you
He does it so well
But yet you know how to bring the inner child in me
But his smile isn't yours
The way he speaks to me is different from how your words resonates with my soul
You never tell me the words i want to hear but a sentence from you got me on cloud nine
You have got my my mind and soul competing
When would i ever win?
He treats me better than you but would never be you my love
Looking at him and all i see is you my love
I choose flaws over perfection
A decision my heart wasn't give a chance to make

She would always be prettier
I can never be her
But I'm here hoping you would hold my hand that i would always stretch forth
You won't hold me
But you won't let me go too....


© ~lisa xoxo