

the love i thought i deserved
He says "stop beating the horse"
what happened to apologizing
or feeling remorse.
This ship has been lost at sea
whipped around and thrown off course
this isn't the love
I thought I'd receive.
not allowed to exist
shut my mouth
is what he wants to say,
instead of saying please don't go away
I hold on to what is
clearly dead
can't escape
the continuous murmuring
that exists only in your head
the fantasy has lost its luster
no more downers
only uppers
if only he could just make it us first
immaturity is abounding
yelling my name loud,
has me frantically searching for the
Silver Lining to This Cloud.
Sadly no silver,
no silly line,
no one to say it's okay he will realize what he had only in time
completely lost, when your
words are never kind.
this love isn't the love that
Id been hopeful to find
swirling around inside of my head
this idea about the deadness
of this horse
is reality
sorry you
wouldn't even be a pal to me.
© Lizdashi$