

I'm really alone.
I miss you.
I know that you wouldn't love me more.
And I don't need that kind of love from you.
I just imagine us being happy together.
Just like before.

I still remember those fantasies, imaginations
that made me feel better.
I may not know why they did but they did.
And that's important.
Because they do too now.

And it's wierd because they shouldn't.
But every time I think of you,
I'm happy.
Not happier than ever but happy.
And yet I don't understand

So all I hope for is that you miss me too.
That you wish I could be next to you.
That I could see the countryside with you.
This kinda sounds romantic,
I know.
But I don't mean it like that.
I just hope you miss me too.

© Tortise