

I'm feeling anxious,
because I have a exam.
I don't know what I'm scared of...?
what if I fail the exam,
what if and what if...
but also the other me says...
even if u fail it won't end your life.
You have chance ,
just take your time,
and prove yourself,
that u can do anything,
show your self your hidden power.

I miss my family.
I want to meet them.
A blank page is opened in front of me,
I'm holding a pencil,
but no eraser in it.
My hands are shivering,
my eyes are teary,
I wonder where I'm leading myself,
but only thing I don't want is regret.
I think I look weak,
maybe I'm weak,
sometimes I wonder how the world looks at me...
Do they think I'm dumb and stupid...
oe they are just busy in their own life.
© Isang