

Faded memories, like whispers in the wind,
Echoes of a past that's growing dim.
The colors of our yesterdays,
Now muted shades that slowly fade away.

Once vibrant and alive, they dance and play,
Now mere shadows of a brighter day.
The laughter and the tears we shared,
Now just faint whispers in the air.

The moments we held dear,
Now distant echoes we strain to hear.
The faces of those we loved and knew,
Now just vague images we struggle to view.

Yet, even as they fade from view,
These memories remain forever true.
For though they may no longer shine,
They'll always be a part of our heart and mind.

So let us cherish them
while we can,
These memories of a distant land.
For though they may be fading fast,
Their beauty and their power will forever last.
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