

My Name is Cocaine
My name is cocaine.
You must use me to simply maintain.
My power is too strong for you to refrain.
Warning: I cause SO much pain.
Try me once and you'll be doing again and again.
I'll make sure that you're life becomes insane.
I will make sure you do things that are absolutely inhumane.
I will take complete control of you let me explain.

My name is cocaine and I will tear you're life apart.
That is what I do best, it's what I refer to as my "art".
Get ready to lose everything right from the start.
I can guarantee you that I will break you're heart.
I am a nasty disease for the most part.

My name is cocaine and I will be your best friend.
From the beginning until I kill you in the end.
My addictive effects seem to be quite a trend.
Mix me with other drugs, I easily blend.
It's you're life I want to control please comprehend.
I also plan on taking your morals and self-worth I do intend.
It's me that is always there for you and on that you can always depend.

My name is cocaine and I want you to be all mine.
Addiction is my design.
When you need me the withdrawal, constant shakes and awful sweats are a sign.
I'm your best friend I have always been so genuine.
I'm always close by that's the bottom line.
It's me that you will never be able to decline.

My name is cocaine and I will destroy everything you love.
Once you are hooked on me there is no help even from above.
My white shiny powder so soft like a dove.
I am almost impossible to get rid of.
My powerful effects are hard to let go of.
It's my addiction making me feel unworthy of,
a better life I have been self-deprived of.

My name is cocaine and I want you to fail.
A life full of drugs, lies, and crimes is what your life will entail.
Lucky if the court will even grantyou bail.
I have been slowly destroying you every part and detail.
You have given up everything now you're so frail.
Come take another toke of me just simply relax and inhale.

My name is cocaine please don't let me go.
Cocaine, coke, snow or blow.
Those are my names you'll always know.
I'm always with you here to say hello.
Whenever you try to leave me I say hell no.
It's you and I until the end, today and tomorrow.

© Miss Riley