

Journey of Love
As I sit here, pen in hand, my heart brims with a love so profound, it spills onto this page. Today, I write to you, not merely as a lover, but as a witness to the journey we have embarked upon, guided by a beautiful principle that has sustained us through every season: the principle of "We over me."

Remember the days when our love was but a seed, timid and unsure? We navigated the maze of dating, hand in hand, discovering the wonders of each other's souls. In those precious moments, we learned the power of unity, the strength of collaboration. It was never just about you or me, but about the intertwining of our lives, creating a symphony of harmony.

Oh, how our love flourished and blossomed, like a delicate flower bathed in the morning sun! We nurtured it, sowing the seeds of trust, respect, and selflessness. We understood that love grows best when we tend to its needs together, ensuring it thrives not on fleeting desires, but on the fertile soil of commitment and sacrifice.

From dating, we ventured into the realm of engagement, where promises were exchanged like sparkling treasures. In that transformative moment, we pledged ourselves to something greater than the sum of our parts. Our hearts, forever entwined, became a testament to the sacred bond we shared.

And now, my love, we find ourselves on the precipice of marriage, ready to embark on the grandest adventure of all. Our love has transcended the boundaries of the self, merging into a beautiful unity that knows no limits. In the realm of "We over me," we will build a life filled with shared dreams, mutual growth, and unwavering support.

Together, we will build a home where compassion reigns, and understanding is our foundation. We will cherish each other's triumphs and cradle one another through the darkest of nights. Our love will be the gentle breeze that carries away our sorrows and the lighthouse guiding us home in times of uncertainty.

In this sacred union, we will etch our legacy upon the tapestry of time. We will leave imprints of love on the hearts of all who cross our path, inspiring them to embrace the transformative power of unity and selflessness.

So, my love, let us embark on this grand adventure, hand in hand, hearts entwined. Let us honor the journey that has brought us to this moment, and let the guiding principle of "We over me" shape every step we take.

With all the love my heart can hold,
© Peta-Gay Powell