

Walking Away While Seeking Love.
I wanted to live a lonely life with required wealth to have every luxuries.
Because I couldn't afford Love
Love costs a fortune.
Love costs the tears dripping desperate resolve
Love costs being cautious of loosing the well awaited happiness wrapped in yarn threads born from worry and in such worry when do I feel happy amidst the tightening grip from worry's yarn threads.
I choose to denounce on the uncertainty love leaves me in.
I choose to trade money to be a part of anothers joy.
Love? I feel a void but I'm fine as long as I don't fill such a void
Because it's hurts to hold something dear and loose it for I'd know how it felt to have it once.
So I'd rather not know as ignorance can be a bliss.
Once we know certain things they leave a certain residual trace and an aching craving.
So won't it be ok if I filled the void with momentary joys like a refrigerator that needs to be refilled once a while?
Won't a long lasting love become stale in times ageing like an item left untouched inside a refrigerator for long.
So I'll end this search to fill with a food that will age to be stale.
Instead IL shop for daily joys that needs to be restocked in my life's refrigerator