

My Words To You
You bring me peace,you make me quite.
I am afraid of this chaotic world,so please hold me tight.
Break those walls between us, destroy all the barriers.
And take me with you in the universe of our desire's.
Then I can feel that I am alive with my every sense,
When you fill up the solitary parts of my life with your gentle presence.
Every time like you are just running through into my veins, mixed up with my blood.
I always tried to call you loud but for many reasons I can't.
I was never been like what I am nowadays, often I got lost in some weird feelings.
But I don't know what is it, and are there any paths or directions to run away from this things.
Yes I know we had done many worst things in our past time,but now it's really doesn't matter.
Because the life always gives us some chances to live and get better.
So forget all those mistakes and move on to a new optimistic way;
And remember after a dark night there will always be a bright day.

#lovewriting #Optimist #letter
© Bai23