

I walk inside the cinema to watch a movie
Cold, dark, and every seat was occupied
I walked until I reached the eighteenth row
And found the center seat to be empty
I sat, and a minute later, the movie began.

I can see the audience leaving so soon
And the movie was only halfway end
To be honest, I’m also starting to doze off
Predictable plot, with no character development
Camera angles are bland, and the music is out of tune.

Still in my seat, out of popcorn, and now alone
Finally, the scenes I did appear on the screen:
Sleeping late at night, living in the past
Worrying about the future, doing nothing
Except for scrolling endlessly on my phone

When it was over, I asked myself, “Have I always been like this?”
The only answer I got was silence, and the screen cut to black
Now I understand why the audience chose to leave early
Nobody wanted to watch a movie about a character with no tasks
Because, after all, life is a movie, and there are no stories without risks

I walk outside the cinema after watching the movie
Warm air, clear sky, and the leaves are green more than ever
I walked until I reached the school supply store nearby
And found myself buying reams of paper and a typewriter
An hour later, I sit in front of the typewriter and begin writing the script of my story.

#movies #cinema #actor #writer #poetry

© jomel