

Tight Rope
Tight rope,
Escape goat.

Days blur together like a never ending train,
Bleeding teeth grind against iron rails.

Do you know what it's like to be a matched box end?
Forced to burn yourself down for the simple comfort of others.
Ignited by force,
quick set of swift hands dragging against a rigged edge.
Do not forget matched sticks rarely burn end to end, side by side with the sinking sun.

Do you feel the slithering rope binding against a beating heart?
Gasping for every restricted breath, crushing iron bones.

Tell me is a note just another escape goat in exchange for a simple blinding moment, in which a twitch of a finger changes flowing rivers.
Tell me does a balancing act require a noose tied loosely around ones neck?
Insurance policy ; mid-show break?.

Tell me do you feel the rumble of the train?
Vibrating through your ribcage.
Blustering pain curling through hollow veins.
Leaded weights constrict against hairline sprains.

Tell me..
Bay area rains never quite maintained a fragile emphasized day dream.
Impostors happened upon mirrored contemplation.

© SaraM