

The bullies found out his inner peace
He used to bullied that innocent girls
With his own two hand,
And with those witty minds who never understand the girls feeling,
He now punished by his sin.

He cried and walked in fears,
Because he know everything are gonna loses one over one,
And yet he hides and blaming his ownself,
Because he ashamed the attitude he do towards the girl,

And you know,
the girl is special,
She cannot hear but she can understand,
She was mad,
But little they know ,
She just live her life happily and see the brightest things,

One day of all day,
She witnessed the beautiful firecrackers,
And she cannot listen any of those sounds,
She said to leave early,
And what she do and decide,
To cut her life and get suicide from high apartment,

In that fateful night,
She was saved by the bullied ,
And the bullied fallen down and realise his mistakes,
A mistake he never yet apologize to the girl,
Whom he met her for the first time as a classmates in primary school,

In those cold water,
He realised his mistakes ,
He want to apologize for all those years,
Whom he lived under fears ,
Because making someone else suffered in tears,

Inspired from : The Silent Voice (Japan Animation 2019)

© writerturk