

Once upon a time I came across something called insomnia. Insomnia entered my life at the tender age of 14 when I experienced some of the most Traumatic things I could ever imagine as a freshman in high school wearing hijab. At the beginning I turned insomnia into my enemy thinking that was how I would win the battle. As the years went by and the insomnia did not go away I realized that was not how I would conquer insomnia. I have to sit down with insomnia and have a heart to heart conversation. I basically interviewed insomnia asking all the right questions starting from who to what to wear to why and how. As this lifelong interview continued I realized I had the wrong approach all along. Insomnia should never have been my enemy it should’ve been my friend because only by turning it into my friend was I able to handle it better. Whenever insomnia started to be controlling I stop fighting back I let it run its course… Then and only then will I realize how to move past it. Instead of looking at insomnia like a manipulator I found the oil to loosen the chains that it had wrapped around me and I broke free. Occasionally those chains come back and I can’t break free but whenever that happens I try to remain calm and I choose to remain calm I’ll look at it like a mantra… I always remind myself that this too shall pass. By turning that into my mantra insomnia slowly loosened its grip on me and I took control of my life once again. At this point in time insomnia realized that it was over powered and instead of working against me it started to work with me. It gave me my freedom back and always reminded me that even though sometimes it would take over that it would not take over forever. And this my friends is how I turned insomnia into an ally… Something I didn’t even think was possible. Call me crazy but insomnia was always there pushing me in the right direction never the wrong direction and it took me a long time to realize that but once I did I was the one in control.© All Rights Reserved