

Dreams and nightmares

Soaring high floating on butterflies wings bringing hope to each situation deepening my gratitude on unforeseen adventures blooming out of its tiny cacoon for all the world to see randomly speaking words of encouragement with every meet and greet spreading love everywhere she lands reminding herself she's worth it and this gift was sent to her from afar shooting sparks of wisdom here and there taking chances with encouragements demand opening wings on spontaneous adventures helping find peace in each journey's encounter while finding purpose in life's whirlpool of fire learning new ways of embracing new beginnings shining bright with the whispers of a feather as the crow crashes her dreams leaving her in despair tormented by demons who cast down judgement telling her deceitful lies dragging her to an underground world of hatred that brings for a deep dark depression as suicide taunts and forever calls wishing she could succumb the nightmare raging from within feeling useless with nowhere to turn taking away lights goodness believing death is the only answer to the problems at hand misguided by evil people's doings wishing to turn back onto the road of dreams where everythings so full of energetic kindness.
© Brandi Willard