

Who Am I
On the 6th day,
Under the sun’s bright rays,
‘God made everything that crept upon the earth after His kind’,
I was placed on earth to roam with mankind,
A nuisance I am called,
I am sure I was placed on earth for some good, no matter how small,
In this journey called life we all go through different cycles and changes,
And we are all created to connect through the flow of energy and cosmic ranges.

So who am I?...yet such a simple being,
But considered to create complex problems by short sighted fiends.
An outcast, often looked upon like a pest filled with germs,
Just because I don’t fit within your simplistic terms,
I do what I must do as a matter of survival,
Because I know one day there will be a transformation and revival.
The beauty I know I have within,
Will one day burst from the cocoon I am in.

Until then, my family and I will continue sacrificing our lives,
Just to preserve your children, husbands and wives,
Although some of us will be terminated by spray bombs made by men without any vision,
I still have to forge ahead on this suicide mission;
Several times I have watched my brothers and sisters die;
Kicking and screaming and wondering why;
Another family member squashed;
Thrown away like garbage in the trash;

What awful sins have I committed?
I am here because the ecosystem permitted;
Selflessly I can’t turn back;
Because basic nourishment you will lack;
So I will stop questioning my existence as I look in the mirror,
Because one day I will become a beautiful caterpillar,
Then ironically, I will be revered and envied by all,
But until that day, I will stand tall and continue making my contribution to mankind, which is definitely not small.
© Audrey Malcolm

Inspiration: The picture of a caterpillar with the inscription: 'Who are You?"