

Breaking Dormancy
A 10 year old gazed out of the window..
As raindrops quenched the earth with trickling dribbles..
And the benign sky embellished by a beautiful rainbow..
She noticed the paper with illegible scribbles..

"I'm scared.." muffled words came out of her mouth..
The words fading in the reverberating rain..
Before she could yield in to her embittered truth..
Felt a cold hand on her head with bain..

"You see that 🌱 seedling out there?" came the words of her mother..
Out in the varendah, in an insignificant corner grew a tiny seedling..
Amidst the tall trees, which looked wry althogether..
It stood alone, with an assertive feeling..

As she observed, her mother continued,
"Dormant it stayed, for long..
Now, it's time for it to be viewed..
To enter the world with will power strong..
And use up all the courage it brewed.."

She attended to her mother with intent..
"You see, how crisp it looks..
Amongst the weather rather content..
With passion, hopes and dreams it cooks..

This, right here, is life..dear..
Quite natural it is, to be afraid..
But even in the vast world outside, there is nothing to fear..
For as long as it has been conveyed..
Courage and valour you must bear..

Trust yourself, even in the trying times..
And just like the seedling, you'll flourish..
In the darkest corner, love thrives.."

Just like that, her mother once again..
Gave her the essence of the immense wisdom she held..
She gazed out in the drizzling rain..
But with a new story in her mind excelled..

© @vega

Hope you enjoyed reading it...
Also, I would love to know how you liked it..