

tell me !!
I was watching a television show yesterday about this black guy who was shot and killed for no reason and it really broke my heart as to why the two white men who shot this black man got away with it for a minute until the right people to took over and put the two white guys in jail!!

This video was of a young black male age 25-26 just running down the street
the two white males where following him In a white truck with shot guns. and then shot this incident black young Man for no reason😢

I'm so fucking sick of tired hearing that to this day some people are racist,
Are you kidding me!?
we all breath the same air !
we all bleed the same color red!
we all can see the same !
so I wanna know what the hell makes black people so Bad?
and what Makes white people bad?

this is for the racist- you pick and moan about blacks being so bad because some drug deal, gang bang, steal extra!
Guess what stupid ass's so do white people!!!!!

I want people to stop being so god damn ignorant.
people around this world has been through hell and back!!
stop the nonsense and let's all stand together and try to at least make it a little better.

the hate is a disgrace to humanity.
there is nothing wrong with COLOR !!!

and I also wanna say I don't blame any Black people for not likeing white people , Im white and I dislike how our racis is a disgusting disgrace!!!!
the reason why I'm writing this story is because I'm tired of people being racist!!

Please take a moment to remember
all the life's that are no longer with us!!
© Destiny Repass