

Loom ...
Loom of life
Colors are donated by fate
Length and numbers of thread
Remain a secret of time ...
I am responsible for the patterns

It was not always easy
The arranging of the long threads
The maintaining of right tension
Bringing the colors in a harmonical composition
To accept the mistakes which have crept in
And ... to keep waving !
May be soon my work will come to its end
... in all its imperfection ...
The loom and me - we have grown old

The work goes slower
The patterns become more indistinct
Because the eyes are tired
The tension becomes lower
Because the arms are weak
Yet the colors - they are still glowing
In my soul and in the threads ...
For this I will be grateful - until to the last row !

When the last row is woven
... when the time comes ...
The weave is removed from the loom
But then ... time becomes space
And the loom and weave - travel with her