

Against Gender Discrimination
Male, female,
Society has placed us in cages,
To forever follow its wiles and woes,
To forerver dance the tune it has set for us...
Who defines our gender?
Who teaches the young ones? Who instills in them the ideas that:

Woman, shy, calm, always prostrate, begging...
An ornate and exquisite object,
She is made to glide, she is made to stand on her toes,
She is made to be a shadow,
No face at all, hidden behind a mask, a room, Suffocating in homely atmosphere,
I am a woman,
I refuse to be like a puppy,
Pushed and pushed,
Or a like a ship,
Twisting and tossed about by ocean's waves,
Give me the chance to rise, to shine,
To be equal in every respect.

And what of man?
Strong, manly, funny how it has become an adjective,
Made of steel, unfeeling and unmoved,
To be cold on the outside, like a corpse,
Never to express one self,
For fear to be seen in a different light,
I am a man, I don't know anything,
Give me the Freedom to choose,
To be who I want to be,
I refuse to be bound by the chains,
The chains of society,
I want to be able to soar, to soar
As high as the lofty mountains,
And to fall, to fall
As low as the depths of hell,
Because it's who I am,
Human First...

We're humans first after all,
Humans in all respect,
Open us up,
Take away this role,
This role that we play,
And what are we?
Nothing more than mere humans,
Alike and equal in all respect...

I asked, who defines our gender?
Who defines a role for each of us in society?
Ultimately, it's us,
It's you, it's me,
Your choice, my decision,
I, nay, we have the power to choose,
The power to say, I have decided, I choose...
And no one under the heavens and above it
Can take away this precious gift,
This precious gift of choice...

Therefore, my dear friend,
Avoid and abhor gender discrimination,
We're all equal and the same deep within,
Don't let this role, this word gender,
Define and confine us,
Be free to choose and to accept,
To understand and to grow..
Stop gender discrimination.
© solum_orbis