

A Poets Gift to Inspiration

Separated forms divulge a newer me
Apparatus of appearance apperceived
By preconvinced notations written silently
While ill-conceived poetries' resemble
Shadowed silhouetted mired leaflets
Affixed in afflictions sorrowful remorse
As convergence dawns aligning
A risen tides eternal journey to
Setting sundown in tandem as
Nighttime crescendos between
Twined heaven spoked peaks
Sightly, perseverance speaking
Regards constitutions' endeavor
Rendering unadorned sympathies
Reminiscent of knights valor stricken
Settling simplicitys' argyle jest
Upon unreachable juxtapositions
Relevantly circulating destructions' own
Bearing south-faced downwards
Descending twilites' serendipitously
Brightened twinge of enlightened hues
A borealis of majesty glorified
Foregone evermore from purview

© WordHeavy
