

Who is she?
On the outside, she is an angle,
With rose cheeks, and gorgeous eyes.
Her eyes shine like diamonds,
When she smiles.
On the inside, she is a warrior,
A queen, a vampire with white fangs!
She is a princess, a sister and maybe,
She is a flower...
Unique like blue roses.
She wanders in her thoughts,
There lies beauty! There lies poetry!
There lies life and understanding,
Of the vast mysterious world!
Her mind is a fountain of emotions,
Her peace lies in fantasy,
Her mind has powers.
She rules the sky,
And the beautiful blue ocean.
She flies through the clouds,
And rules the whole world.
Thus reality is a tragedy,
In the corrupted world!
Nevertheless, she makes,
This world, the best place,
By only using her pen!
She writes her thoughts,
Which are indivisible with her thoughts,
She mixes them with poetry,
Like the shades of the sky,
During the magical sunset.
She shows the world beauty,
Which lies in her thoughts!
She is a heroine,
With a magical sword!
Though, the sword appears,
Like just a pen to the one without sight,
Of the world with beauty,
And magic which she writes.

© @Paro