

Fine is the reply I received from asking you how you ?
I am fine a word most deceitful,
after so long why deceive me now,
I refuse to believe I knew you not,
I could see in your eyes they betrayed you .
they deverted looking for comfort.
I noticed you tired spiritually and mentally caught in a dimension of contemplation a community most disturbed. it seemed so
absurd i have know you for so long!
to acknowledge when you are suffering ,

I didn't think my trust in you for me
was so little,that putting up a facade so deceiving a facade most fake, you actually thought it was going to fool me. a act that cut right through my heart ohh no yea of little faith all in vain all most certainly in vain
your physical structure most appealing
I know you fine girl
but emotionally you torn as a vale most grey .

I insisted what is wrong I know you are not okay !
she persistent I am fine
a word most deceitful.
I insisted what is wrong
she persistent I Am okay leave me Alone !!