

Illusion of Love..
In the realm of tender dreams, a boy once dwelled,
Where love's illusion cast a spell he held,
A girl, her radiant light, his heart did seize,
He thought she loved him too, with equal ease.

In whispers soft, beneath the moonlit skies,
He'd share his hopes and fears, his sweetest sighs,
Her laughter danced like petals in the breeze,
He felt her joy entwine, a wondrous tease.

Yet as the seasons turned, a truth unveiled,
A bitter revelation, love's tale assailed,
Her heart belonged afar, a distant shore,
A realization that his heart bore.

Upon reflection's mirror, he could see,
The signs he'd missed, love's puzzle's mystery,
In dreams, he'd woven stories to embrace,
An image of her heart's warm, tender place.

He grappled with emotions deep inside,
The pain of knowing love was not allied,
Yet in his soul, he knew he must release,
The fantasy that bound his heart in peace.

With courage born from love's evolving art,
He stepped away, tore longing's bonds apart,
The boy, now wise, embraced the truth he'd found,
A metamorphosis of love unbound.

Though scars remained, his spirit would repair,
For love's illusion taught him how to bear,
A new day dawned as lessons came to pass,
In seeking love, he found strength to amass.

So let the boy who loved a girl move on,
His heart now free, a love anew will dawn,
Through shattered dreams, he'll rise, love's sweet illusion,
And find the love that's destined for his fusion.

© Imaginoid