

Life really is futile
Life really is futile, a fact we must face,
In the grand scheme of things, we're just a small trace,
Of all that has come before and all that will race,
Through time and space, leaving only a trace.

We strive for success, for a life rich and grand,
But in the end, it slips through our hand,
Leaving us wondering, where did we land?
In this vast universe, so hard to understand.

We chase after pleasures, thinking they'll bring joy,
But they fade away, leaving us empty, oh boy,
For life's true meaning, we try to deploy,
But in the end, it's all just a ploy.

Society tells us what we should pursue,
But is it all worth it, is it really true?
In the grand scheme of things, what will ensue?
Life really is futile, no matter what we do.

But amidst the futility, there is still light,
Moments of love, kindness shining bright,
In the darkness, they offer respite,
A reminder that life can still feel right.

So let's embrace the futility, let's not despair,
For in the fleeting moments, there's still care,
And though life may seem like an endless stair,
Life really is futile, but we can still dare.

© Jovan_love