


They insulted you..they drove you crazy.
They broke your heart..they left you shattered.
They made you feel small..they treated you like filt.
They could go any length just to make you cry.
Or maybe they hurt you without even realizing it.

Then you were left in the down.
You thought you could never forgive them.
Piece by piece, you were slowly eating away.
Though your smiles were always remarkable, you cried bucket full of tears in your closet.
You tried to stop thinking about how much they pulled you down…how much they hurt you…
But the memories kept coming. And although you fought hard to get over it, you couldn't just let go.

So you decided to put away your long built Christian values.
You decided to compromise…you decided to retaliate.
You said to yourself; "They need to know the impact of what they've done to me. They need to feel the pain I've felt"

But I need you to understand that all the while, you were never a victim, dear...you were just merely an object of someone else's weakness.
You were just a recipient of their flaws.
Yes they made you feel terrible.
Yes, it hurt so badly...
But when we decide to retaliate, we make their own weakness ours and we make their flaws our own.

Never forget one thing... That as long as hurting people keep hurting people, we're left with nothing more than hurting souls wandering here and there like zombies, seeking for whom to bite.
Hurt circulate in chains. And because you're of the Light, you shouldn't for any reason flow with that deadly chain.

Your abusers...your haters...your offenders…
All of these people have enough hurt...they had even enough to give.
Remember, you can't give what you don't have.
They gave you what they had…
They're filled with enough hurt.
Try not to hurt their hurt with the hurt they hurt you...or else there'd be two hurters.

Every time someone hurts you, you need to realize that they've been hurt at some point and so the chain one way or the other got to you…
You either continue the chain or you break it.
Hurting people go about hurting people.. don't be one of those.

Once again, you were never a victim. But just merely an object of their weakness…
Fill your heart with enough of the Word... which is life…so you can have LOVE to give in place of HURT.
Because...only LOVE is powerful enough to break the chains of HURT.
