

Bring me back !
Hard to tell, my friend,
the days were sad
may be bad,
but bring me back ...oh my friend!
Tired of cries,
shedding all screams,
how much in indulge this pain,
all goes wrong and in vain.
bring me back oh my friend!
everybody listens to,
what I wish to tell,
nobody's business to,
trust I hadn't sell.
Mirror you are, so do tell,
the pain I say, Is minds bell.
bring me back,
where I was once,
having sunny smile,
and flowing laugh together!
things went as
of no control,
led me your hand,
to heal my soul.
Finding one to cheer up the day,
seeing me energetic whole day,
thanks for being with no judge,
letting me heal with let things go,
forgiven them, and I'm done to go,
thank you my friend,
to bringing me back as a wind!
showing the mirror with truth is what makes a real friend of time. your scream will be opened when it's heared by the one who won't judge but help to heal and let go... because, letting forgiveness is need for soul to heal pain and breathe again. To powerize you , you need to led hands that can be trusted and cared. importantly happy to see you raising like ..."yes, that's my dear sunshine!"
© Saranya Anish Nair