

Dear June
It's been all too dark here.
Maybe you can let some light from the moon!
Oh Dear June! Oh Dear June!
All this while, we have been singing a dirge.
Can you sing me a sweet little tune?
Oh Dear June! Oh Dear June!
Many roads have bloodied feet,
And railway tracks have blood strewn.
We all have been cursed, cursed to suffer.
If you can lift it, it would be, a much needed boon.
Oh Dear June! Oh Dear June!
It seems the birds in sadness croon.
As they lament the thousands,
walking with bloodied feet on burning May noon.
Many a breath lost, while many others swoon.
While we watch the death march from our homes immune.
The leaders have failed us and acting like a naive loon.
While they still walk to death every burning May noon.
So, oh Dear June. We need the monsoon.
Drench us with compassion. Drown us in reason.
It's been dark for quite a while.
Wash away the clouds of selfishness.
And show us the light of the moon.
Oh, Dear June! Oh, Dear June!