

Maybe someday (A conversation with a poet).

It's won't be long,
I'll make sure of it,
When the oceans will scream your name,
When the winds will carry your praise,
When sands of the earth would sink your feets in adoration.

It won't be long,
It won't be long.


You did as promised
the oceans did scream my name
the winds sang my praise
the sands of the earth did as instructed

but u weren't there
i could only feel what u wanted me to
Not what i wanted to

maybe my tears meant nothing
messages i sent through the birds were ignored
as u only did what you thought was best for me 💔


Why did it have to end so heartbreakingly😭.

cause i'm broken but u don't see it
you think you doing enough for me
You brag about having connection with nature
yet u don't see my puncture

i'm tired
i want to leave
but it won't be long
it won't be long YOU SAID.


I thought I knew right,
My affection deceived me,
Like two sides of a coin
I'm battling with faces,
Two worlds clashing!
Who I am and who I once was is at war.

I don't think I deserve you,
I love you so much I feel I should leave..

But you're not alone
The clouds are there to guide you,
The birds are there to do the singing,
The bright morning sun is there to remind you of how bright you Glow.

Don't let this be a heartbreak anniversary!


Your countless praises are all i have in my diary
i have no personal experience with you
U either with you books or with your thoughts

i don't want the clouds
neither do i want the birds
i don't even care about the sun

if wanting you is an impossible thing
id rather live alone
i'm tired of craving for something
beyond my reach

it's an heartbreak anniversary already!!


It won't be long
It won't be LONG!

You'll find peace in a world of your own,
You don't need a Romeo!
Let me Roam!
To the ends of the earth!
To the depths of the oceans!
Maybe someday, not too long...
We'll have a home.

But not today, not tomorrow.
But it won't be long😌👌

I'll wait!

© Emerald pen