

I am a "CYSTER"
A daily struggle being in pain
Missing my periods
Shaving daily that I couldn't
Stop abnormal hair growth
On my face, arms, chest, and abdomen
Thinning hair causes baldness
Can't have any hairstyles other than loose hair
Struggling to cover
Darkening of skin in my body folds
Breakouts, acne, dark spots, skin tags,
And bleeding gums on my face
Gave up on using all the fairness creams
Period cramps, spotting, heavy bleeding,
Bloating and constipation during my period
My legs have gone numb from wandering to hospitals
Belly fat, sudden weight changes
The result is stretch marks on the skin
Food cravings and sugar cravings
Uncontrolled hunger and eating supplements day-to-day
Mood swings, fatigue, anxiety,
Sleep difficulties and depression
Feeling sick inside while looking fine outside
This is my daily routine
I don't know why
Doctors have not found any treatment
Failure in the functioning of ovaries
All my sisters over there, you are not alone
Yes, I am a "CYSTER"!
© Shilpa Rani@02