

nice to meet you (not a poem)
Hi everyone! I just wanted to reintroduce myself for anyone new. I'm helz :).

I've been writing poetry off and on my whole life, but more seriously in the last 3 years. I just joined Writco from Poetizer amongst all of the chaos with their app and I am LOVING the community and support here!

I'll be posting some content from my portfolio as well as some new content as well. For those of you who followed me on Poetizer, you've probably seen a lot of these before, BUT, I'm trying to revise some of my old work to fit my more current writing style!

I also love connecting with other writers, and the sense of community here on Writco has been amazing so far! I appreciate all the support from my Poetizer friends and my new friends here on Writco and can't wait to connect with even more of you!

I want to hear from you guys!! What are your favorite topics of poetry to read?
© helz