

if I was a father_
Written in a perceptive of a man who wants to be a father

If I was a father... I'd hold you close rest in my abundance of joyful arms and caring ways. I would love you and be the best at what a father can and could be. Teach you how to build and create your own little world and teach you how to make sure your are okay. I would teach you the tips and tools to fix everything broken and repair it. I would never let you go...you can count on me forever I will stay. I would love you unconditionally, and never let anyone hurt you; if they hurt you they will pay the price of what a real father can look like. I would want you to be happy with your own little glow in the stars at night as they show.
I would want to inspire you wherever you go. I would protect you at all cost, even if it cost me my own whole life; I would want you to live on and survive without me...as you are stronger 💪 than you think.
I would be there till the very end of my time as I might lay down and die.
always look above for me in the beautiful sky's. Remember you are my special little one. I would love to see you succeed as well as you follow your dreams.
As you grow up remind yourself everyday that I will always be there for you, and as you grow up older too.
I would want you to remember me as your biggest fan of your own hero, as you look up to me to see what is inside the world of wonder I don't know what I do without someone like you. Your my sweet little child; let me help you grow, big and strong so when I'm gone, you can and will live on. This is my message to you...you can go far and live true, for me and for you. I will always love you.
my sweet child of mine don't you ever die. For as long as I'm around you will be alright.
Dream big and bold for you to face the world. Live and learn for yourself and for me I love you forever and for all you can be.
show me your strength and you will see that you can be alright without me.
I will always be your father forever ♾️ and true for I will always love you.