

what if
what would happen if I cheated.
I would be called cheap ;dishonest and not loyal.
when he cheats he is admired he is uplifted he is told that he did the right thing.
what if I lied ;I'd be called untrustworthy and a liar.
when he lies he is encouraged and told its OK .
what if I slept the hole day leaving everyone to cook and clean after themselves.
I will be told I am lazy good for nothing
when he does not work everyone says don't worry work is scarce.something will come up.
what if I come home from work;sit and talk to friends having
no time for my husband and kids.
I'll be told I'm neglecting my duties why am I tired the work I do is not hard.
when he gets home sits around and talks with friends
he is told its fine.he's tired he works hard he doesn't have time to stress about kids and a wife.
why is things so different for him
and for me.why the bias ;why the unfairness.