

Brightest star
Twinkle Twinkle My Little Star,
Oh I wonder where you are!

Up above in a world so high,
In a different dimension now you fly!

In midst of a cloudy night,
This eternal soul shining so bright!

A connection like farthest seen constellations ,
Dearth of physical presence but is unconditional closest affection!

Twinkle Twinkle my little star,
Oh I wonder so happy you are!

Up above in a world so high,
Floating somewhere in a serene sky!

From horizons cautiously you stalk,
With unforgettable memories,tranquil I walk!

Sparkled luminance and then you left
Somewhere in the magnificent galaxy,stardust I wept!

Twinkle Twinkle my little star,
Love you till the moon has its scars!
Love you till the moon has its scars!!

© Galaxy of thoughts