

Right, at the moment, when we stood, before our family and friends, on our special day, to say, our I dos, that was when, we began, a new storybook, for our previous books, were single stories, but now, our stories, are of we and not I, for these, blank pages are, of our life, of our love, from our ups, to our downs, in sickness and in health, just like, our vows and still, we have been raising, our precious children, so, not long ago, I reopened up, our storybook, pulling it, off the shelf, to read, from the pages, that we filled, over the course, of our time, together and forever, always, being that still, you are, but a whisper, that my lips, speak softly of, on this windy breeze, for you, have given me, all the kisses, that I, can feel, all through me, being the only one, that can calm me, putting me, at ease, in all times, as I rely, on you, being there, beside me, as you call me, at times, a drama queen, but it is just, that I, need to be, in your arms, to feel, closer to you, never wanting, to be too far, snuggled and cuddled, as you, have loved me, in every, which way, there can be and still, being able to surprise me, with your creativity.

So now, with all the tricks, the jokes, the pranks, the laughter, the romance and the tears, that life lessons, have thrown at us, yet getting through it, in all ways, I wanted, to write, just how much, I love you and how, my feelings, for you, have only, become greater than ever, over the years, as I, do know, with you, what a heart, that is filled, to overflowing, feels like, as you are, my perfection and here is to, our continuing story.
© PinkPajamaKisses&TeddyBearHugs